We are a group of members with diverse backgrounds, working as a team to empower and inspire our elected representatives, local media, and community to take action against climate change.
Our efforts are organized in teams that reach out and engage with different stakeholders in the community to achieve our goal of passing climate legislation.
We engage in various educational efforts to increase public awareness of climate change and the need to support the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions.​
Our Teams
We work together in the following teams:
Membership: Recruiting and managing membership
Presentations: Giving presentations on climate change
Tabling: Representing CCL and its mission on different events
Endorsements: Getting representatives and community leaders to endorse climate legislation
Newsletter: Informing members on news and events related to CCL
Pierce County Outreach: Informing voters on climate issues so they can make intelligent choices
Letters to the Editor: Writing letters to newspapers to advocate for climate action
Social Media: Keeping members informed through our Facebook page
EnRoads Workshop: Using technology to engage audiences in problem-solving their way to tackling climate change
Website: Developing a website for the CCL Tacoma Chapter
Fircrest Outreach: Influencing the City of Fircrest to take action to address climate change
Study Group: Learning about climate change together
How you might consider getting involved
Thank you for your interest in the Tacoma chapter of the Citizens’ Climate Lobby. These are very exciting times! We may be reaching a tipping point in social pressure on environmental action. Maybe you are ready to get involved in our local chapter work. There are many ways to do that, at whatever extent is comfortable for you.
For instance:
If you like political action:
You could help persuade and encourage elected officials, from local to national, in a bipartisan manner, to take environmental action. Here's a website to find and contact elected representatives Federal, State, Local – “one stop shop”
If you like to write:
We need help with letters to the editor, opinion pieces, emails to members on various topics, the monthly newsletter and more!
If you are an educator:
There are opportunities to give presentations and classes to groups of all kinds, to work with schools, and prepare kids’ online activities.
If you are a techie:
You could help us with our website, with making video presentations, and with our social media presence.
If you are in business/a scientist or engineer:
You could visit local firms and industries and work with them to reduce their carbon footprint.
If you like to read and learn:
Join our study group, where we study a wide variety of topics and have lively discussions.
If you like to network:
You could help keep the membership informed about recent bills and news and organize joint actions with other local environmental groups.
If you’re not sure what you can do:
There are so many ways to contribute; let us help you find your niche! Even better, enrich us with your own ideas for action.
A really quick and easy (yet effective) way to take action immediately is to sign up for the monthly call team. You are assigned one day a month to make a call to your representative’s office. A script and phone number are provided. Our chapter’s goal is to have every day of the month covered!
Please consider attending our monthly meetings on the last Wednesday of the month at 6:30, currently on Zoom. They include interesting speakers and reports, but also general networking and mutual support around climate activism. We love making new friends, and we would love to have you join us.
We hope that you will decide to take an active role in our chapter—it is so important and fulfilling.
Become involved - Join CCL now!
Changing the world is in your hands and becoming a member of the CCL is a step towards taking ownership of this power. Once you join CCL you will be directed to the Tacoma chapter or the chapter in your area.