Here is a link to our existing looping video - it's over a year old now and can be updated. Have to link to it because the file is too large for this site. Please give me your specific suggestions of update materials including a source. Ray, you suggested using this on our website, can you pick the file up from here?
there is one thing in the looping video that needs to be addressed - the visualization of CO2 emissions has audio with it - needs to be stripped off if we are going to give the video wider exposure. When tabling it didn't make any difference because we always had sound muted -none of the other stuff on the loop had audio.
Here is a link to our existing looping video - it's over a year old now and can be updated. Have to link to it because the file is too large for this site. Please give me your specific suggestions of update materials including a source. Ray, you suggested using this on our website, can you pick the file up from here?
there is one thing in the looping video that needs to be addressed - the visualization of CO2 emissions has audio with it - needs to be stripped off if we are going to give the video wider exposure. When tabling it didn't make any difference because we always had sound muted -none of the other stuff on the loop had audio.